👨🏻‍💻 Works

Recent works and projects.

Invoice Track

Invoice Track

Invoice Tracker for personal mini project using VueJS & Pinia.

Zakat Kalkulator

Zakat Kalkulator

Personal mini project using ReactJS and Chakra UI.

Simple e-Commerce

Simple e-Commerce

Simple e-commerce for personal mini project.



Project built and revamp the website.

Prime Studio

Prime Studio

Support creating reusable components from DLS for internal tools web builder during my time at Gojek.

Gojek T&C

Gojek T&C

Project built and revamp the Gojek T&C website during my time at Gojek.



Project built and revamp my personal website.

Gojek Help

Gojek Help

Project built and revamp the help center website during my time at Gojek.

Gojek Newsroom

Gojek Newsroom

Project built and revamp the Gojek Newsroom website during my time at Gojek.

Random Image Bank

Random Image Bank

Personal mini project using Unsplash API.

Prominent Indonesia

Prominent Indonesia

Revamp website.

Letter Move

Letter Move

Simple mini project animation using AnimeJS.

One Line Layouts

One Line Layouts

Mini project to learn and implement CSS shorthand syntax.

Gojek Indonesia

Gojek Indonesia

Project built and revamp the main company website during my time at Gojek.

Tempo Scan Group

Tempo Scan Group

Project built and revamp the main company website during my time at Tempo.

Indonesia Tersenyum

Indonesia Tersenyum

Project build the CSR website during my time at Tempo.

Total Care Mouthwash

Total Care Mouthwash

Project revamping the website during my time at Tempo.

My Baby

My Baby

Project revamping the website during my time at Tempo.



Project revamping the website during my time at Tempo.

Sahabat Marina

Sahabat Marina

Project revamping the website during my time at Tempo.



Project revamping the website during my time at Tempo.



Project revamping the website during my time at Tempo.

Quadrant Private Equity

Quadrant Private Equity

Project built and revamps the company website.

Home Credit Indonesia

Home Credit Indonesia

Project revamping the website during my time at Bambu Digital.

ZIP Industries

ZIP Industries

Project revamping the website during my time at Bambu Digital.

Women on Boards

Women on Boards

Project revamping the website during my time at Bambu Digital.
